Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week 5- Tuesday

The board said "Why was there a secret door in the back of her closet? Why had it just opened? An what could posibbly be down the steps". As much as i enjoyed writing the tiny stories with the sentences last weeks or all the crazy ideas rushing through my mind, i just cant find any motivation in me to do it right now. Maybe its because im tired of running since we just had lunch, or because i didnt get enough sleep lat night. Either way, i dont feel like writing a story. Miss Frick said that we can write almost anything we want, so i guess this counts as writing. Of course it does, im typing right now. If i were to right a story, i would do something like a scary movie of a serial killer who keeps his victims hanged from their feet and skinned in a basement or a reference to the song "Secret Door", by Artic Monkeys. I love that song.

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