Thursday, August 31, 2017

Week 6- Thursday

I would prefer to live in a treehouse. Definitely. Although living in a castle is tempting though, because of castles are much more bigger and have hundreds of different rooms, I believe that living in the forest in a treehouse is morenopen to the workd and you never know what you are going to find out there in nature. There will always be something new out there for you to discover and being so close to nature is just fascinating. Ive always loved nature.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Week 5- Thursday

The video we just saw was a very powerful and important video. Admiral William McRaven, a navy seal and part of the special forces, was making a speech for the graduation of students. The parts that most stood out for me were the ones when he talked about how every small task must be completed if you want complete big tasks and when he talks about hope. I think that his belief small tasks and how important they are is very inspiring and also helpful to people like me, a student. He said that it takes only one person to change the world, by giving others hope and he's proving it by giving that speech to the students. These students can fo very important thing and him giving them hope with his speech helps them a lot.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week 5- Tuesday

The board said "Why was there a secret door in the back of her closet? Why had it just opened? An what could posibbly be down the steps". As much as i enjoyed writing the tiny stories with the sentences last weeks or all the crazy ideas rushing through my mind, i just cant find any motivation in me to do it right now. Maybe its because im tired of running since we just had lunch, or because i didnt get enough sleep lat night. Either way, i dont feel like writing a story. Miss Frick said that we can write almost anything we want, so i guess this counts as writing. Of course it does, im typing right now. If i were to right a story, i would do something like a scary movie of a serial killer who keeps his victims hanged from their feet and skinned in a basement or a reference to the song "Secret Door", by Artic Monkeys. I love that song.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Week 3- Thursday

The legend was true. It was, after all, a pirate city. My mother warned me, but i did not listen. Everything i had work for, throughout my entire life and career, was it all going to come to this? As i slowly walked away from the deck and into the shore, i couldnt help to be mad. Mad at myself, for not listening to all the warnings people gave me. Mad at the pirates, for walking place to place around the island and doing whatever they were doing. Some were carrying cargo or weapons from one place to another. Some were too drunk to stand. Some were doing both things at the same time. As i was sinking into all my thinking, a careless, short, filthy, bad-smelling pirate collided into me while holding an open barrel full of rum. This, led to me punching him in the face. That, led to me being sorrounded by scary pirates slowly pulling their swords out with crooked smiles shining with broken, black and golden teeth.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Week 2-Thursday

I ran. She ran. They ran. Everybody was running, for their lives. We made a sharp turn into a dark alley and quickly got inside and abandoned apartment by jumping thorugh the windows surrounded by broken glass. Everything was silent for a couple of seconds. Then we saw it. I remember this moment very well because it was the firts time I saw one that close. Puffing flames and smoke from his nose and carrying it's mechanical broken wings, and slowly scrathing the walls of a building with it's giant metal claws. A dragon. It stood still for what appeared to me an hour and then flew away. There were a couple of seconds filled with awkard silence, until Adrian snapped. "Next time you get yourself a cut from glass, how about you put a band aid"? Said he in a mean tone. He was right though, dragons can smell blood from miles away.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Week 2 - Tuesday

If I had a set of minions for a week I would probably play Call of Duty with them until our eyes were red as tomatoes because i feel like it would be very fun to play with them and I'm also curious about how good they are at it. I would do the same thing with futbol. Also, I would like to learn the minion language because I've never been able to understand it through the movies. Of course, all of this is clearly nonsense since minions don't actually exist and their language consists in random noises.