Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Week 16 - Tuesday

There it was, as peaceful and mysteriouse as he remembered: The Rift. The place where it all began. He could still recall that night as if it was yesterday. The campfire and singing with his friends, the sound of the forest at night, and the voices calling him. His life changd forever and in a way he neved han imagined to be posible

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Week 14 - Thursday

If I had a time travel machine, I would go to the late 5th century AD and meet king arthur himself. Besides, there are thousands of stroies about magic creatures in that time so if im ever going to find one, it would most likely be at that time. I would also like to travel back to 2011, Ohio, so I could go to a concert of one of my favorite bands back then when they were not famouse and the tickets to their concerts would only cost like 10 bucks. I really like both of these options, but I would probably choose going to Camelot to mert King Arthur. I would also go armed with weapons, since those times were very dangerouse.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Week 14 - Tuesday

Jacob, my neighbour, was a pesimistic. He believed that we would never be picked up and bought. “Smarties are like, so last year”, he said. But I’m a dreamer. I’ve always been. And one day, nust before the big day, a lady with blonde hair in her mid 40’s walked through the hall with two small children. There were a boy and a girl. The boy went straight for the snickers and skittles. “Typical 8 year old boy” said Jacob. But the little girl, she was different from the other kids. She looked at every single candy with detail. She checked the flavors, the nutrional bar, and the price.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 13 - Tuesday

We have been shown a comic that criticizes the way society treats black people in the U.S. by showing two scenarios that are the same, for the exception of one small detail. In the first stripe, the kid who tells his mom he is going out is white. His mom replies by telling him to put on his jacket. In the second stripe, the same scene happens but the kid is black, and his mom replies by warning him to not do all these things out in public. Things that are completly normal to do in public. 5his comic shows how powerful and efficient art can be while trying to spread a message. Especially when it is criticizing someone or something.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Week 12 - Tuesday

We’ve been shown a comic that wants to show the relationship between black people and white people. Out of all the things that the comic illustrates, the one concept that stands out to me is “reverse racism”. I don’t exactly know what this word means but what I can tell from the comic is that it is something related to having pity for black people for racism itself and when the white person claims that helping that black person reverse racism is nonsense.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Week 11- Thursday

If I had the choice between having the superpower of flying or invinsibility, I would definetly choose flying. The idea of flying is just soooo crazy i cant even imagine. Like every human being, i have imagined what flying would be like and how awesome it would be. You could get to places fast, have amazing views, rescue people in danger much easier, etc. Although invinsibility sounds really cool, it would be much more convenient to do bad things with that superpower than good things.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week 11- Tuesday

A long time ago, there was a family of polar bears. There was a mom, a dad, one brother, and one sister. Everybody loved each other and treated everyone with respect. To sustain the family, mom would go work at an office building and dad would go out hunting seals. But one day, while dad was busy in his normal routine of hunting, he killed a mom seal right in front her only child. The wooden spear went right through the mother’s head as she made one last eye contact with her child, before his vision was blocked by all the blood in the water. He swore to get revenge.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 9 - Thursday

The picture that is shown to us shows how stupid society can look if you saw it from a certain perspective. It talks about two main issues. The first one is the banning of books and the second one is how easy it is to acces a weapon in the U.S. . I saw a video once of a 13 year old boy walking around and going into different stores. He couldn’t get cigarrettes, alcohol, or lottery tickets, but in 7 minutes he got a rifle.

Dodgeball Tournament

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Week 9 - Tuesday

The fact that people try to ban books and try to keep people from reading them is crazy. Books represent ideas and opinions, and it shouldn’t be allowed for people to take that away from others. Another thing that really really reaaallyyyyy pisses me off is the fact that most people don’t take their time to read a book when they want to ban it. If it has LGTB characters or any minor form of sexuality it will be enough for the, to try to ban it. Some books have sexuality not because the author just thought that it would attract more teenagers or something, but to show the complexity and thought of a certain character, to use it as a metaphor to criticize society, etc. If we want a better future for our society we need to start by educating and freeing people.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week 8- Thursday

If I had magical chalk Inwouod firts draw a lot of money. Like a lot. After drawing plenty of material things i want, I would drive around the poor sectors of the city with my dad, drawing houses and food  for the people in need. I would also draw animals in danger of extinction, and have professional people take them where they are supposed to live in. After that, I would draw a giant machine that can suck all th pollutionnout of the air like a vaccum.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 8- Tuesday

If i could have any two famouse people for my parents, I would probably choose Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, from Twenty One Pilots. Those two people are my idols and I look up to them for many reasons. They are in a band named twenty one pilots, which is one of my favorite bands. Although tøp is a very famouse band and has a lot of mainstream songs, most of the people don't take their time to listen to other not so popular songs and understand the meaning of the lyrics in their songs.  I also think that they are incredibly talented in music and there is not a single song I don't like from them.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Week 6- Thursday

I would prefer to live in a treehouse. Definitely. Although living in a castle is tempting though, because of castles are much more bigger and have hundreds of different rooms, I believe that living in the forest in a treehouse is morenopen to the workd and you never know what you are going to find out there in nature. There will always be something new out there for you to discover and being so close to nature is just fascinating. Ive always loved nature.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Week 5- Thursday

The video we just saw was a very powerful and important video. Admiral William McRaven, a navy seal and part of the special forces, was making a speech for the graduation of students. The parts that most stood out for me were the ones when he talked about how every small task must be completed if you want complete big tasks and when he talks about hope. I think that his belief small tasks and how important they are is very inspiring and also helpful to people like me, a student. He said that it takes only one person to change the world, by giving others hope and he's proving it by giving that speech to the students. These students can fo very important thing and him giving them hope with his speech helps them a lot.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week 5- Tuesday

The board said "Why was there a secret door in the back of her closet? Why had it just opened? An what could posibbly be down the steps". As much as i enjoyed writing the tiny stories with the sentences last weeks or all the crazy ideas rushing through my mind, i just cant find any motivation in me to do it right now. Maybe its because im tired of running since we just had lunch, or because i didnt get enough sleep lat night. Either way, i dont feel like writing a story. Miss Frick said that we can write almost anything we want, so i guess this counts as writing. Of course it does, im typing right now. If i were to right a story, i would do something like a scary movie of a serial killer who keeps his victims hanged from their feet and skinned in a basement or a reference to the song "Secret Door", by Artic Monkeys. I love that song.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Week 3- Thursday

The legend was true. It was, after all, a pirate city. My mother warned me, but i did not listen. Everything i had work for, throughout my entire life and career, was it all going to come to this? As i slowly walked away from the deck and into the shore, i couldnt help to be mad. Mad at myself, for not listening to all the warnings people gave me. Mad at the pirates, for walking place to place around the island and doing whatever they were doing. Some were carrying cargo or weapons from one place to another. Some were too drunk to stand. Some were doing both things at the same time. As i was sinking into all my thinking, a careless, short, filthy, bad-smelling pirate collided into me while holding an open barrel full of rum. This, led to me punching him in the face. That, led to me being sorrounded by scary pirates slowly pulling their swords out with crooked smiles shining with broken, black and golden teeth.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Week 2-Thursday

I ran. She ran. They ran. Everybody was running, for their lives. We made a sharp turn into a dark alley and quickly got inside and abandoned apartment by jumping thorugh the windows surrounded by broken glass. Everything was silent for a couple of seconds. Then we saw it. I remember this moment very well because it was the firts time I saw one that close. Puffing flames and smoke from his nose and carrying it's mechanical broken wings, and slowly scrathing the walls of a building with it's giant metal claws. A dragon. It stood still for what appeared to me an hour and then flew away. There were a couple of seconds filled with awkard silence, until Adrian snapped. "Next time you get yourself a cut from glass, how about you put a band aid"? Said he in a mean tone. He was right though, dragons can smell blood from miles away.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Week 2 - Tuesday

If I had a set of minions for a week I would probably play Call of Duty with them until our eyes were red as tomatoes because i feel like it would be very fun to play with them and I'm also curious about how good they are at it. I would do the same thing with futbol. Also, I would like to learn the minion language because I've never been able to understand it through the movies. Of course, all of this is clearly nonsense since minions don't actually exist and their language consists in random noises.