Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week 22 - Tuesday

I went into the water with my cousin Nico and one of my best friends, Luciano. The water was freezing, and that day at the beach was prtty cloudy, but we didn’t care. We raced into the ocean diving into waves pusing each other into them. We were the only ones in the water. We came up with a game which was very simple yet fin. You had to be constanly swimming, you were not allowed to touch the floor, and only your head could be out of the water, even if the water only reached your knees. It was really fun playing that game beacause you had to endure giant waves crash onto your face. After plauing this game for a while, I noticed that we were really far away from shore, so I told my friends that we should return. I tried to stand up to find some balance, the waves were gatting too strong. I tried to reach for land with my feet, but I couldn’t. I dived into the water to reach for land, I couldn’t. None of my friends could. I saw as lifeguards rushed through the crowd as they blew their whistles repeatedly. I noticed how entire families gathered around to watch us, and how far away they looked. As I fought back the strength of the sea pulling me even more far away and giant tides that swallowed my entire body, it strucked me. I was going to die.