Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 9 - Thursday

The picture that is shown to us shows how stupid society can look if you saw it from a certain perspective. It talks about two main issues. The first one is the banning of books and the second one is how easy it is to acces a weapon in the U.S. . I saw a video once of a 13 year old boy walking around and going into different stores. He couldn’t get cigarrettes, alcohol, or lottery tickets, but in 7 minutes he got a rifle.

Dodgeball Tournament

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Week 9 - Tuesday

The fact that people try to ban books and try to keep people from reading them is crazy. Books represent ideas and opinions, and it shouldn’t be allowed for people to take that away from others. Another thing that really really reaaallyyyyy pisses me off is the fact that most people don’t take their time to read a book when they want to ban it. If it has LGTB characters or any minor form of sexuality it will be enough for the, to try to ban it. Some books have sexuality not because the author just thought that it would attract more teenagers or something, but to show the complexity and thought of a certain character, to use it as a metaphor to criticize society, etc. If we want a better future for our society we need to start by educating and freeing people.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week 8- Thursday

If I had magical chalk Inwouod firts draw a lot of money. Like a lot. After drawing plenty of material things i want, I would drive around the poor sectors of the city with my dad, drawing houses and food  for the people in need. I would also draw animals in danger of extinction, and have professional people take them where they are supposed to live in. After that, I would draw a giant machine that can suck all th pollutionnout of the air like a vaccum.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 8- Tuesday

If i could have any two famouse people for my parents, I would probably choose Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, from Twenty One Pilots. Those two people are my idols and I look up to them for many reasons. They are in a band named twenty one pilots, which is one of my favorite bands. Although tøp is a very famouse band and has a lot of mainstream songs, most of the people don't take their time to listen to other not so popular songs and understand the meaning of the lyrics in their songs.  I also think that they are incredibly talented in music and there is not a single song I don't like from them.